Blindsided By BRCA

“BReast CAncer susceptibility gene; These genes are responsible for producing proteins that help suppress tumors. When mutated, they increase the risk of developing breast, ovarian, and other cancers”

Tania Cheater has launched this website dedicated to providing comprehensive information on BRCA mutations, inspired by her own journey and the invaluable support she received. With a heartfelt desire to give back and assist others facing similar challenges, Tania meticulously designed the platform to offer insights, resources, and guidance. Her website serves as a beacon of hope, offering a wealth of knowledge on navigating the complexities of BRCA-related health concerns. Through this initiative, Tania aims to empower individuals with the information they need to make informed decisions and find solace in community support. For additional support, information or assistance, please reach out!

“Don’t put off your dreams and desires as life can change in a moment! ”


What is BRCA?

Individuals who inherit detrimental variations in any of these genes are more susceptible to certain malignancies. mostly breast and ovarian cancer, but there are a few other kinds as well. Individuals who inherit a dangerous variation in BRCA1 or BRCA2 also have a tendency to get cancer earlier in life. If there is a family history of cancer, it is imperative that you get checked and take preventive measures.

Warrior Story: Q&A with Tania Cheater about being "blindsided by BRCA


  • While BRCA mutations are often associated with breast and ovarian cancer in women, they can also increase the risk of breast cancer in men. Men with BRCA mutations have a lifetime risk of breast cancer of about 1-2%, which is significantly higher than the general population's risk.

  • BRCA mutations in men also slightly increase the risk of other cancers, such as prostate cancer and pancreatic cancer, though the increase in risk is not as substantial as for breast cancer.

  • BRCA 2 is higher risk for skin cancers as well.

BRCA (BReast CAncer susceptibility gene) mutations can affect both men and women, but the impact and associated risks differ between the genders.


  • BRCA mutations significantly increase the risk of breast and ovarian cancer in women. Women with BRCA1 mutations have a lifetime risk of breast cancer ranging from about 55-65%, while those with BRCA2 mutations have a slightly lower risk, around 45%. For ovarian cancer, the lifetime risk is much higher with BRCA mutations, with estimates ranging from 39-46% for BRCA1 mutations and 11-27% for BRCA2 mutations.

  • Additionally, BRCA mutations increase the risk of other cancers in women, such as fallopian tube cancer and peritoneal cancer.

  • BRCA 2 is higher risk for skin cancers as well.

Tips During Chemo

  • Drink lots of water and bring snacks day of

  • Put ice on feet and hands to help with neuropathy

  • Find a good acupuncturist that can help with side effects

  • Claritin for bone pain from immune shot

  • Banana is good if you have loose stools

  • Colace great if feel the opposite

  • Swish around warm salt water and baking soda 5 x a day especially after eating to avoid sores in your mouth

  • Get up and walk even if you don’t feel like it

  • Drink lots of water to flush your system

  • If driving anywhere be aware of nearest bathrooms (very important)

  • A fan for hot flashes chemo brings on

  • Hot water bottle or heating pad for stomach cramping from different chemo’s

Essential Oils

  • On guard toothpaste for gums 

  • Peppermint for Nausea or hot flashes

  • Oregano oil under feet for virus fighting

  • Frankincense on forehead or behind ears for headache

Shop Essential Oils Here

  • During chemo ice your hands and feet to slow down or help prevent nerve loss and numbness

  • Don’t floss! Brush your teeth but use clove, and cinnamon on guard toothpaste to help the gums heal (chemo effects)

  • Use hand sanitizer

  • Don't hug much 

  • Don't eat salads out 

  • Check temperature daily 

  • Read positive books, watch funny movies, or shows, I watched a lot of HGTV and lots of ideas, plan a retirement party, wedding, birthday party coming up, or something to look forward too

  • Essential oil peppermint is good for nauseous feeling under the nose and can be used behind the neck for hot flashes

  • Wedge pillow to sleep on after double mastectomy/surgery (easier to get up)

  • Lymphatic drainage massages to prevent lymphedema

    - If flying use a compression sleeve on the arm that had any lymph nodes removed

Books, apps, podcasts

  • Rick Warren podcast ‘Daily Hope’

  • Dave Rossi ‘Imperative Habit’

  • Quotes and Bible verses 

  • Meditation and Sleep 

  • Jesus Calling  

Healthy Green Smoothie

I highly recommend you try this receipe out as it helped keep my immune system strong through my battle.

Ingredients: Frozen blueberries, almond milk, fresh garlic cloves, fresh kale, turmeric root, scoop of living fuel or your favorite protein powder. (Add avocado if you’d like as it adds more benefits and creates a smooth texture.)

Don’t forget to take probiotics before bed!

Note: Make sure it’s gluten free as your intestinal track gets aggravated from chemo.

Emotions Corner for Caregivers

I would recommend checking out what cancer care point has to offer for patients and caregivers.

Visit here

  • You will strengthen your compassion and patients. 

  • For both Patient and caregivers: 
    Turn it over To God and try not to predict the outcome. 

  • Fear and anger can creep in so let it go and let prayers and faith take over.

  • Exercise can help clear the mind, stress releasing, and good to get the blood flowing. 

“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”

- Philippians 4:13

Helpful Tip

Be proactive on testing for gene mutations - lots of easy ways to do that. It’s a blood or spit test.


This is in no way medical advice. The information shared here reflects my personal experience and understanding, aimed at raising awareness and potentially aiding others who may be navigating similar situations. It's important to consult with healthcare professionals for personalized medical advice, especially concerning matters related to genetic predispositions and cancer risks.

No one fights alone!

Contact me for more support, information and ways to help during your fight.

I am extremely appreciative and fortunate to have such supportive family and friends. It was a difficult journey, and I am so grateful for the support and love I received at some really trying times.